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OtrosSHOPPING HABITS SURVEY-Rivarosa and Armando

This test was created with the intention of learning about your shopping habits by the students of the Colegio Sagrado Corazón de Los Hermanos Maristas.

1 How often do you go shopping?:

. Occasionally
. Frequently
. Never
2 When buying a product do you look at the brand or the price?

. The brand
. The price
. In both
3 do you think you are a compulsive shopper?

. Yes
. Sometimes
. No
4 When you go shopping, how much do you think is the indicated amount?

. Less than $ 500
. More than $ 500
5 When you go shopping, what do you usually buy more?

. Food
. Clothing
. technological products
6 do you like to go shopping?

. Yes
. No
. occasionally

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