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Idiomaspast tense verbs

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Anny and Katty __________ to the cinema last weekend.

. go
. going
. went
. gone
The participants on the concert _________ fun and a good time.

. took
. danced
. enjoyed
. had
Gabo _________ One Hundred Years of Solitude.

. write
. wrote
. writes
. written
Our english teacher ________ us a new topic about grammar last Friday.

. taught
. teaches
. teaching
. teached
My father always ________ the plants in the garden when he lived in the farm.

. water
. grow
. waters
. grew
Many girls at school ________ hot dog during the party they had to celebrate thier birthday.

. cooked
. ate
. bought
. brought
Paco and Kamo _________ to a new house yesterday.

. moved
. bought
. went
. saw
My best friend ___________ a new F1 car last Sunday.

. drives
. bought
. drove
. tried
Pasta was _________ by chinesse.

. created
. invented
. sent
. designed
Brothers Wright ________ the first plane.

. flied
. flew
. flown
. flies

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