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strategy ajnfrejm nsoe jdifj

1. where is the bsuiness trying to get to in the long-term?

. a) markets-scope
. b) direction
. c) advantages
. d) resources
. e) environment
. f) stakeholders
2. which markets should a business compete in and what kind of activities are involver in such markets?

. a) markets-scope
. b) direction
. c) stakeholders
. d) resources
. e) environment
. f) advantages
3. How can the business perform better than the competition in those markets?

. a) markets-scope
. b) direction
. c) stakeholders
. d) resources
. e) environment
. f) advantages
4. What resources (skills, assets, finance...) are required in order to be able to compete?

. a) markets-scope
. b) direction
. c) stakeholders
. d) environment
. e) resources
. f) advantages
5. ehat external, envoronment factors affect the businesses´ability to compete?

. a) markets-scope
. b) direction
. c) stakeholders
. d) environment
. e) resources
. f) advantages
6. what are the values and expectations of those who have power in and around the business?

. a) markets-scope
. b) direction
. c) stakeholders
. d) resources
. e) environment
. f) advantages

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