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You have to choose the correct answer

1 It's going to take several days for my car to be repaired, so ....................... I'm borrowing one.

. A meanwhile
. B at last
. C finally
2 ......................., I'd like to thank all of these who helped with organising this meeting.

. A Firstly
. B Apparently
. C In my opinion
3 On the one hand I'd like a job which pays more, but ......................... I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment.

. A on the other hand
. B in other words
. C what's more
4 He's very untidy about the house- .........................., I'm not much better.

. A personally
. B mind you
. C besides
5 ..........................., I think the project is going to be a great success.

. A Eventually
. B Mind you
. C Personally
6 I don't want to go and ............................ I haven't been invited.

. A in any case
. B by the way
. C naturally
7 I think we've discussed everything we need to- ........................... what time is it?

. A unfortunately
. B by the time
. C what's more
8 Her parents were opposed to her giving up her course, but she did it ..................... .

. A anyway
. B naturally
. C at last
9 Well, ........................... she's had enough of this country and she's heading off to Africa.

. A having said that
. B firstly
. C apparently
10 Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she ......................... died.

. A obviously
. B anyway
. C eventually

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Verbes - ER ,Elegir la respuesta correcta:. Tags:Francés ,. Preguntas:9
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Can you complete the lyrics? ,Can you solve the lyrics? Learn English by singing songs!. Tags:music ,lyrics ,songs ,english. Preguntas:10
Tenses ,Exercise to review tenses in English. Categorías:Tense ,review. Preguntas:60
Diagnóstico ,El siguiente es un diagnóstico sencillo que te permitirá demostrar tu conocimiento sobre reglas gramaticales y ortográficas quizá vistas en clase. No es de carácter evaluativo.. Tags:ortografía. Preguntas:10
verbos inglés ,Elige la respuesta correcta de estos verbos en PRESENTE inglés. RECUERDA, LA RESPUESTA CORRECTA ES EL TIEMPO DE ESTOS VERBOS EN PRESENTE.. Categorías:Verbos ,inglés ,presente. Preguntas:20
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el facebook ,sobre el facebook . Tags:el ,facebook. Preguntas:9
Conoce tu nivel de Inglés ,Contesta las preguntas y ten confianza en tus respuestas. Los resultados te dirán en que nivel estás. Después de ello, contáctenos al 999563245 . Categorías:eficiente ,y ,confiable. Preguntas:11

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