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HistoriaHenry VIII´s wives

Choose the correct answer after having watched the video about Henry´s wives.

Catherine of Aragon...

. married Henry VIII after his brother Arthur died
. married Arthur after Henry died
. had only one husband
Anne Boleyn...

. promised Henry VIII many descendants
. imposed a condition: to become the Queen
. died of an illness
Jane Seymour...

. was the second wife and gave him a male heir
. was the third wife and gave him two male heirs
. was the third wife and gave him a male heir: Edward
Anna of Cleves...

. was from Germany and didn´t want to marry Henry
. was from Holland and became Lutheran
. was from Germany and their marriage was annuled
Kathryn Howard...

. was beheaded for treason
. was a Jane Seymour´s cousin
. was accused of a false affair
Kathryn Howard...

. was known as "rose without tears"
. was known as"rose without thorn"
. had another husband before Henry VIII
Katherine Parr...

. died before Henry
. died giving birth to another Henry´s son
. took care of Henry´s ulcered leg

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Cultura Olmeca ,En el siguiente test, se encontraran preguntas de la cultura olmeca. Aquí tendras que responder deacuerdo a tus conocimientos y habilidades que has adquirido en clases.SUERTE!!!!. Tags:isabelarrepol.olmeca. Preguntas:20
Los Diaguitas ,Esperamos que a través de este test refuerzes tus conocimientos acerca del pueblo aborigen los Diaguitas, así como al mismo tiempo aprender mas y comprender de esta gran cultura.. Categorías:Valentina.. Preguntas:10
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Pueblo Diaguita ,En este examen podrás demostrar cuanto has aprendido y entendido del pueblo Diaguita. Espero que te vaya muy bien. . Tags:Cátedra ,Taller ,(diaguita). Preguntas:7
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Los aztecas ,Test sobre la civilización azteca. Tags:Aztecas ,Andrés ,Acuña. Preguntas:10
La prehistoria ,examen muy sencillo para alumnos de 1º de la ESO sobre el paleolítico, el neolítico y el paleolítico. Categorías:Prehistoria. Preguntas:19
test de historia, filosofia y literatura ,Test destinado a personas interesadas por las humanidades, concretamente la historia, la filosofia y la literatura.. Tags:gepus. Preguntas:9
paleolítico y neolítico ,test facil para 1º de la eso. Categorías:historia. Preguntas:17
La Prehistoria ,Un test sencillo para alumnos de 1º de la eso. Tags:Prehistoria. Preguntas:11

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