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IdiomasWhat do you know about Brighton?

You have found out information about Brighton. Location, history, monuments, things you can do in your free time...know let´s see what you have learnt.

Where is Brighton located?

. In south west England
. In south east England
How many people live in Brighton?

. Around 150.000 people
. Around 500.000 people
When did the train arrive to in Brighton?

. 1841
. 1950
Brighton was burnt in the war between?

. England and France
. England and Germany
Where can you go shopping in Brighton?

. In the Brighton Marina
. In ?The Lanes?
Which is the most famous monument in the city?

. The Big Ben
. The Royal Pavilion

Which is the nearest airport to get to Brighton?

. Luton Airport
. Gatwick Airport
What is Churchill Square?

. A shopping centre
. A monument to Queen Victoria
Brighton is near?

. Manchester
. London

Which band of music is from Brighton?

. The Beattles
. The Who

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