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Simple Past or Present Perfect - Test

1) My father _____ his video camera yesterday

. forgets
. forgot
. forgotten

2) Steven _____ across the Altantic

. a) has never flew
. has never flown
. has never fly

3) _____ a snake?

. Have you ever touch
. Have you ever touched

4) We _____ the film at home.

. have already saw
. have already see
. have already seen

5) She _____ the contest three years ago.

. didn't win
. didn't won

6) They _____ their books out yet.

. haven't take
. haven't taken
. haven't took

7) The thieves _____ the painting in 1999.

. steal
. stole
. stolen

8) Last week my uncle _____ a new car.

. driven
. drives
. drove

9) I _____ the blue pen.

. have just choose
. have just chose
. have just chosen

10) When _____ this morning?

. a) did you wake up
. did you woke up
. did you woken up
Which answers are correct?

1) Which words are used with the Present Perfect?

. already, ever, just
. last week
. tomorrow
. yesterday

2) Which words are used with the Simple Past?

. in 2004, last week
. two days ago, yesterday
. ever
. just
. now

3) Which verb forms are used with the Present Perfect?

. 2nd column of the table of the irregular verbs
. 3rd column of the table of the irregular verbs
. have/has + past participle

4) Which verb forms are used with the Simple Past?

. 2nd column of the table of the irregular verbs
. had + past participle
. have/has + past participle

5) Which sentences/questions are in the Present Perfect?

. Did you finish your letter this morning?
. Have you finished your letter?
. She is reading the book.
. She's read the book.

6) Which sentences/questions are in the Simple Past?

. He has read a book.
. He read a book.
. He reads a book.

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