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The Elizabethan theatre and Shakespeare

This test will evaluate your knowledge on the Elizabethan theatre, on Shakespeare's life and works and on his play Romeo and Juliet.

Did Queen Elizabeth help the theatre become popular?

. No
. Yes
What did the audience do in Shakespeare's theatre?

. They could walk, eat, drink, cheer and boo at the actors
. They had to sit down quietly at watch the play
. They acted on stage with the actors
. They had to sit on the floor
Could women act in plays?

. Yes, they wore colourful and well-designed costumes
. Sometimes
. No, they weren't allowed to perform; young boys played female characters
. Yes, women were the only actors as men weren't allowed to act
Who organised the plays?

. The plays were organised by the actors
. The plays were organised by acting companies
. The plays were organised by the Queen
. The plays were organised by the audience
How was going to the theatre considered at Shakespeare's time?

. People went to the theatre for entertainment
. People went to the theatre because it was a cultural event
. People went to the theatre to become popular
. People went to the theatre because it was free
How were the prices of the theatre?

. Prices were too expensive and only rich people could go
. Prices were average, everyone payed the same for their ticket
. Prices were low and varied depending on the place where you watched the play
. It was free
At what time of the day were the plays performed?

. At midnight
. In the afternoon, around 2 o'clock
. In the early morning, around 9 o'clock
. At night
When did Shakespeare die?

. On 1 April 1616
. On 23 April 1605
. On 15 April 1600
. On 23 April 1616
What were some of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies?

. Hamlet, King John, Romeo and Juliet
. Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet
. King John, Gainsborough, Macbeth
. Othello, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream
In the play Romeo and Juliet, what family does Romeo belong to?

. The Montagues
. The Capulets
. None of the above
In the play Romeo and Juliet, who does Romeo kill?

. The friar
. Juliet's father
. Juliet's cousin
. Juliet's maid
In the play Romeo and Juliet, why does Juliet kill herself?

. Because she thinks Romeo is dead
. Because she is no longer in love with Romeo
. Because Romeo had lied to her
. Because she is sick

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