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Watch the official trailer and then say if the following sentences are true or false.

1. For writer and director Steven Spielberg, a 56-year-old Canadian, it is the latest of many triumphs: his previous work includes Titanic (1997), previously the world?s biggest-earning movie, and the first two Terminator movies.

. False
. True
Set in the year 2154, Avatar takes place mostly on Pandora, the moon of a planet in the Alpha Centauri star system, about 4.5 light years from Earth.

. True
. False
At the heart of the story is the desire by humans to exploit water on Pandora.

. True
. False
For writer and director Steven Spielberg, a 56-year-old Canadian, it is the latest of many triumphs: his previous work includes Titanic (1997), previously the world?s biggest-earning movie, and the first two Terminator movies.

. False
. True
Set in the year 2154, Avatar takes place mostly on Pandora, the moon of a planet in the Alpha Centauri star system, about 4.5 light years from Earth.

. False
. True
At the heart of the story is the desire by humans to exploit water on Pandora.

. False
. True
The three-meter-tall, blue-skinned human-like aliens who live there are called DNA.

. False
. True
The humans can breathe the atmosphere of Pandora

. True
. False
A mining operation is set up on Pandora that employs soldiers for security.

. True
. False
To find out more about Pandora and its inhabitants, scientists develop ?avatars?.

. False
. True
The strange but beautiful environment includes dinosaur-like animals and jungle-covered mountains floating in the sky.

. True
. False

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