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This is a quiz in which we are going to learn some new terms related to the environment and global warming

1. An activist is...

. A person who works in a power station
. A person who was convicted of illegal hunting
. A person who tries to bring social and political change
2. The greenhouse effect is...

. An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere
. An invention of ecologists in order to frighten citizens
. A synonym for deforestation
3. What does global warming mean?

. Global warming is a consequence of deforestation
. Global warming is a gradual increase in the Earth's temperature
. Global warming is a long-term change in the Earth’s climate
4. In order to reduce CO2 emissions we should...

. Replace our petrol-burning cars for electric cars
. Not use the public transport
5. Substances that are easily broken down into harmless substances by decomposers are termed...

. environmentally unfriendly
. biodegradable
. non-biodegradable
6. Renewable energy alternatives are those that

. are abundant or recycled in a short time period
. are environmentally friendly such as coal
. never cause pollution nor environmental damage at all
7. The greatest danger facing most endangered species is...

. Hunting
. Habitat loss
. Capture for the pet trade
8. the combination of smoke and fog that is used to describe many forms of air pollution is called...

. Smog
. Gas
. Vapour
9. the result when industrial chemicals are combined with water vapour is called...

. Smog
. Acid rain
. Fog
10. In order to save water at home, we should...

. Take a bath
. Take a shower
11. Some of the things that we can do to help the environment are...

. Recycling and reusing
. Walking or using public transport
. All answers are correct

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