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IdiomasVocabulary Quiz 2

Vocabulary Quiz 2

1.- They selected the most ______ food items and buried them.

2.- I'll tell my receptionist to make you an ______ for next week.

3.- And personally, I hope you ______ to take that back.

4.- eresalv

5.- laveualb

6.- aleerdx

7.- ginedwd

8.- rctku

9.- raeadly

10.- schooe

11.- cdedie

12.- lcmea

13.- ycrru

14.- in the time after (a specified time or event in the past) : from (a point in the past) until the present time

15.- used to indicate the place someone or something is going to or toward

16.- in addition

17.- at this time : so soon as now

18.- until now : so far

19.- during the period of time that has just passed : not long ago during the period of time that has just passed : not long ago

20.- to and beyond a certain point or time

21.- in the recent period of time

22.- so soon : so early

23.- in the past : before the present time : before now

24.- before this time : before now : before that time

25.- to sense the flavor of (something that you are eating or drinking)

26.- to relax and avoid hard work or strain

27.- to look for information or other interesting things on the Internet

28.- to make an effort to do something : to attempt to accomplish or complete something

29.- To sit on and control the movements of (a horse, motorcycle, bicycle, etc.)

30.- to look at and understand the meaning of letters, words, symbols, etc.

31.- to turn (something) off with a switch

32.- to fail to win (a game, contest, etc.)

33.- to fail to keep or hold (something wanted or valued)

34.- to cause the end of (something)

35.- to be unable to find (something or someone)

36.- to cause the death of (a person, animal, or plant) : to end the life of (someone or something)

37.- to move yourself in a way that usually involves going up or down

38.- to choose whether or not to believe (something) after thinking about it

39.- to make (a hole) in something by using a sharp tool

40.- to make a choice about (something) : to choose (something) after thinking about it

41.- to cause (something) to end in a particular way : to determine what the result of (something) will be

42.- To pull or lift (something, such as yourself or part of your clothing) with a quick movement

43.- to use a sharp tool (such as a knife) to open or divide (something, such as paper or wood)

44.- to reach a conclusion about (something) because of evidence

45.- to suddenly increase the cost, amount, or level of (something)

46.- to go up mountains, cliffs, etc., as a sport

47.- to walk a long distance especially for pleasure or exercise : to go on a hike

48.- to move or go up (something) using your feet and often your hands

49.- to make (something, such as a room) neat and orderly

50.- East Indian Cookery. a pungent dish of vegetables, onions, meat or fish, etc., flavored with various spices or curry powder, and often eaten with rice.

51.- to make (something) clean : to remove dirt, marks, etc., from (something)

52.- to decide that a particular person or thing is the one that you want

53.- A dish, originally from South Asia, consisting of meat or vegetables cooked in a spicy sauce

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